
  • Ulysse Maher posted an update 7 years, 1 month ago

    Consultations within the previous two weeks by get LGK974 symptomLevel of symptom seriousness * 1 Symptom Feeling tired/run down Difficulty sleeping Sore throat Cold or flu symptoms Diarrhoea Loss of appetite 2 Back discomfort Nervousness/anxiety Cough Nausea/feeling sick Constipation Vomiting 3 Headaches Joint pain Indigestion/heartburn Feeling depressed Stomach/abdominal pain Dizziness Wheezy chest Fainting 4 Shortness of breath Blood in stool Unintentional fat reduction five All symptoms combined Chest discomfort Coughing up blood n 887 607 411 372 266 117 653 405 372 259 203 95 845 678 392 353 337 194 158 14 176 52 37 108 four 7995 Low impact consultations n 12 12 17 9 9 six 15 ten 12 six 4 two five 30 13 12 20 9 14 two 15 9 three 8 0 254 1.four 2.0 four.1 2.4 three.four 5.1 two.three 2.5 three.2 two.three 2.0 2.1 0.6 4.4 three.3 three.4 five.9 4.six 8.9 14.three 8.5 17.3 8.1 7.4 0 three.two High impact non-consultations n 201 155 39 52 37 16 144 88 48 36 11 24 143 141 41 100 66 21 16 4 23 1 five 12 1 1384 22.7 25.five 9.5 14.0 13.9 13.7 22.1 21.7 12.9 13.9 5.4 25.3 16.9 20.eight ten.five 28.3 19.6 10.8 10.1 28.six 13.1 1.9 13.five 11.1 25.0 17.* Level of symptom seriousness perceived by a sample of GPs, where level 1 hta18290 is least really serious and incorporates symptoms generally indicative of trivial/self-limiting illness and level 5 is most serious and incorporates symptoms that might be indicative of a really serious situation or illness Consulted GP for symptoms self-rated as low severity (1-3 on a normal 5-point severity scale) and causing no or little interference on each day life (1-3 on a regular 5-point interference scale) Did not seek advice from GP for symptoms self-rated as high severity (4 or 5 on a standard five point severity scale) and/or causing considerable interference on each day life (4 a0016355 or five on a common 5-point interference scale)conditions (for instance joint pain and back discomfort) or minor, self-limiting symptoms (such as sore throat, cough and indigestion/heartburn) it was symptoms which might be indicative of a potentially serious condition (which include blood in stool, fainting, wheezy chest, shortness of breath, unintentional weight reduction and chest pain) that had the biggest proportion of low influence consultations. For every single in the person symptoms investigated (together with the exception of blood in stool) the proportion of high effect non-consultations was larger than the proportion of low influence consultations.Incongruous consultation behaviour groups (individual level analysis)In the 1681 respondents who experienced no less than one symptom inside the previous two weeks and who offered full details on symptom influence and GP use, just under half (45.four ) were categorised into among the two incongruous consultation behaviour groups (Figure 1). A total of 139 folks (8.3 ) reported at the least 1 low impact symptom within the earlier two weeks which they consulted their GP about and so had been categorised as low influence consulters. Most individuals have been a low influence consulter for one particular (61.2 ) or two (21.6 ) symptoms. The maximum number of symptoms that an individual was a low impact consulter for was 10.